Wednesday 4 April 2012

all sorts, common pleasure

Over the road and along a few spots from us is a family who look like they're on a long excursion. I will be looking for a chance to say hi so I can find out for sure, but my guess is they're from somewhere in Western Europe. Their camper has European plates and has maps of 20+ countries painted on it. I wonder if they are on a multi-year trek around the globe in their own vehicle ... fascinating.

Next to us is a couple with a teenage son. They arrived this afternoon, unhitched and the 'boys' donned their wetties and headed for the surf leaving mum to unpack. I saw them in the waves, they were loving the experience of doing something together ... blokes need activity to bond.

A couple of nights ago we talked to a couple on a Harley, towing a little camper trailer. They had been to the Ulysses Motorcycle club AGM up in Mildura and were taking the scenic route home. Real characters.

I'm sitting here about to do some more work before dinner. I've made up the Moroccan meatballs so they can sit and get flavoured up before I grill them.

Maria is out on her bike, camera pack on her back, taking photos in the soft afternoon light.

After a short but good surf, a shower, an ale, and the Waifs singing a Paul Kelly cover in the background, I'm feeling OK about life. I look out the window and see our diverse and interesting neighbours also looking pretty chilled in the late afternoon sun. Nice.