Sunday 15 January 2012

Each Second As It Comes

The last few days have been mostly chasing the waves, setting up on the chosen beach and taking the day as it comes. Each second is its own second, like right now, it’s six o’clock in the evening, nobodies hungry yet, so we haven’t decided what we’re having for dinner, let alone going to buy what we need and thinking about making it.

This morning Zac and Dad planned to get up early and find some waves before we headed out to the local market. They set off to their intended beach, no good; so they checked out their next preference of beach, still no good, so they came back dry, wetsuits and boards unused.

Zac decided he wasn’t to keen on the market so Mum, Dad and I headed off. I love markets; they just have this feel of community, even when you don’t belong to the town.

All these people come to set up stalls displaying their talents and skills in purchasable items.

We bought a few things, some honey (a usual market purchase), lollies, chopping boards, an anklet for me and a painting to go in our lounge room at home painted by a local artist.

I love these days, lounging around, relaxing, going for a dip, eating when we’re hungry, going for a walk when we feel like going for a walk.

We don’t know what we’re doing tomorrow because it’s not tomorrow yet, and as we take each second as it comes, who knows.