Today was my last day of company from the kids. Zac left at about twelve.
Nanny and Pa and Dad's Aunty Claire came up today at about eleven and we had morning tea then went out for lunch and had a drive around.
They left about half an hour ago and now we're all sitting, using our laptops. Me, on dad's old laptop and mum and dad on their macs.
Mums uploading some photos that she took today, dad's working and im writing this. One of the photos that mum is uploading onto her computer is of my name that i wrote in massive letters on the beach this morning. It lasted from about ten untill three o'clock which i thought was pretty good.
It took me about half an hour to do it because first, i wrote it which wasn't very hard, (i wrote the letters about two times as tall as me) then i made them all block letters. And then i went and coloured them all in, which took a long time.
When we stopped by the beach with Nanny and Pa and Aunty Claire we got there just in time too see a wave creep over it, Now it's gone forever.
I'm still Trying to convince mum and dad to let us leave on Thursday or Friday, because i want to get back and catch up with all my friends, (and see a movie that came out while we were away, that i really want too see) but they have their minds set on leaving on Saturday, it's alright though i'll keep pushing them untill they let us go on Thursday (or Friday at the most)