Monday 2 January 2012


Nothing Day (Saturday)

We learnt that unlike the 'big city' shops and services close down on public holidays and weekends. Drove to Bowraville for lunch - everything closed, looked like a ghost town. Drove to Sawtell, most things closed at 3pm (we arrived at 3.30pm), went up to the surf club to watch the ocean and have a coffee/icecream - closed of course. We did finally have some joy with pizza and icecream at Coff's Harbour Jetty and then went to the movies. We didn't quite make it to midnight, we were all exhausted after our nothing happening day.

Sunny Day (Sunday)

Back to Scotts Head to enjoy the warm and sunny day, unfortunately not much swell and no surfable waves today (didn't stop Colin sitting out on his board watching the horizon and wishing the swell to rise, ever the optimist he is or perhaps the fool! If enthusiasm counts for something he has it in bucketfuls.)