Saturday 5 December 2009

Be my BFFL

If you don't like sop, don't bother reading any more.....

We have decided since doing some blogging last time we were away to be a bit more consistent this time. In hindsight the blogs have been a way to record our adventures, our thoughts, our feelings and our learnings. A valuable thing to have. We don't expect anyone to be reading all of these (the grandparents maybe, they are the only ones with the time and inclination I would imagine!)  At the end of the day our blogging is for ourselves, if others find something humorous, interesting or thought provoking that is a bonus.

This year has had three distinct kinds of 'living'  experiences - yurting, at home with Colin also at home, and at home with Colin away. 15 or so trips to PNG this year (for a week or so at a time) has meant a fairly consistent week at home , week away existence. When he is away Colin works, eats and sleeps (literally) and when he is home there is a lot of catching up to do (work and family) so it is usually a busy time. The pay off is the ability to do what we are now - take some time out.

Each of those different kinds of 'living' experiences means a different way of experiencing our relationship. When we are yurting we are together all the time and it is wonderful to think of weeks without Colin going away. We find ourselves moving comfortably into companion mode, just enjoying being together and doing things together. Today was a beach day. Colin's favourite kind of day. Most of the day has been spent going backwards and forwards to the beach. I walk and lay in the sun, Colin goes in the water. I saw him come out from a swim and walk back with his arms outstretched leaning into the wind, pure enjoyment written on his face. One of the many things I love about him is his passion and enthusiasm for life, his ability to enjoy and appreciate. He is a lot of fun to be with, even if I do take the mickey out of him now and again! bffl

The kids take delight in teaching us MSN speak, so bffl (for the uninitiated, pronounced biffel and meaning best friends for life) is what Colin and I jokingly say to each other as the kids roll their eyes and groan.

We have loved being away in the caravan on our own and can see ourselves doing more of it in the future, perhaps we will bcome true Grey Nomads one day. Now we are anticipating with great joy the arrival of Johanna, Rachel and my Mum tomorrow. Heidi will also join us, schoolies will be over. We shall have all our girls with us, only Zac will remain at home. He starts his summer job on Monday but will join us for Christmas. So much to look forward to.